Thursday, September 23, 2010

Market Central Farm Tour

We all enjoyed all the visitors that came to the farm during Market Central's 2nd Annual Farm Tour this past Labor Day. We estimate that about 300 people visited during the day. The weather was perfect; warm and sunny. We offered hourly 'Meet the Animals' tours led by our interns as well as mini courses on planting a fall salad garden, composting and herbs.

In case you missed the Market Central tour and would like to visit the farm this fall, we will be holding our 10th (I think!) annual Open House/ Field Day the afternoons of October 30th and 31st. More details later.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Goat kid videos

We are just past half way with this year's goat kidding. 15 does and 27 kids.

Caitlin, Erin, Samantha and the New Ducklings

Its hard not to smile looking at a baby duckling. Ask Erin, Samantha and Caitlin.

New Ducklings

The new ducklings are really cute. The lighter colored are runner ducks and khaki campbell. The darker are rouen. They were shipped to us as day old chicks in the US Postal Service. The postmaster calls early the day they arrive at the central distribution center and we pick them up. We bought them from McMurray Hatchery.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Sad day on the farm. One of our Great Pyrenees guard dogs Hermes went to his rest today from advanced bone cancer that had spread rapidly.
He was a great work dog, watching over his goats from the day as a puppy when he climbed out of his pen in the barn to lie with them in the field. He has been their steadfast guardian ever since through all seasons and hundreds of goat kids. The goats miss him, as do we.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The new tent platform
is under construction.

More Goat Kids

Our goat does Lydia, Aurea and Tortilla and others have had their kids.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Goat Kids Started Arriving Today!

Blanca and Flying Ears were our first two does to have their kids (twins for Blanca and a single for Flying Ears). We have 25 expectant moms, and twins are typical for Spanish Meat Goats, so there will be lots more kids to come. Spanish Meat Goats are known for their excellent mothering skills and generally trouble free deliveries; characteristics that we appreciate during kidding season. April is a lovely time of year for kidding- not too warm or cold, lots of new, green, nutritious grass, and very few flies. Our first new additions were trying out their new legs this afternoon and will probably be learning how to jump tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Most Beautiful Place on Earth

I am frequently reminded of a conversation I had a couple of years ago with my neighbor, Thomas Ford. Thomas was sitting on his front porch, as he often did, looking at the world go by, which happens slowly on a country road like ours. He mostly had a view of our farm; the donkeys, chickens and goats on the hillside, the surrounding woods, and a broad sweep of the sky. Thomas was almost 90 and had lived his entire life within 3 miles of our farm. On this particular day, I stopped by to say hello and chat a bit. I don't remember much of the conversation, except for the part where he smiled and said, "You know, this is the most beautiful place on earth!" And he meant it. I have come to appreciate the beauty around us here at the farm every day. It is a privilege to be able to take a mini-break during the work day and enjoy the beautiful scenery around me. I think of Thomas often, when I take a minute to appreciate our little piece of the earth. Here are a few pictures I took on an early morning walk recently...What a beautiful place!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thousands of Tulips in Brightwood!

We enjoyed an Easter Day walk among the tulips at our smaller farm here in Brightwood. Our good friends, Jeroen and Keriann Koeman, owners of EcoTulips are growing 40,000 beautiful organic tulips there. About a third of them are open now; next weekend they should be gorgeous! I was surprised by the intensity of the colors; especially the maroons, reds and purples. You can come and enjoy the flowers (and cut some to take home, too) from now through at least the middle of the month, depending, of course on the weather. After such a snowy winter, we are all enjoying Spring all around!
More information at

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Coming Soon!

Current news from the farm.