Sunday, May 9, 2010

Goat kid videos

We are just past half way with this year's goat kidding. 15 does and 27 kids.

Caitlin, Erin, Samantha and the New Ducklings

Its hard not to smile looking at a baby duckling. Ask Erin, Samantha and Caitlin.

New Ducklings

The new ducklings are really cute. The lighter colored are runner ducks and khaki campbell. The darker are rouen. They were shipped to us as day old chicks in the US Postal Service. The postmaster calls early the day they arrive at the central distribution center and we pick them up. We bought them from McMurray Hatchery.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Sad day on the farm. One of our Great Pyrenees guard dogs Hermes went to his rest today from advanced bone cancer that had spread rapidly.
He was a great work dog, watching over his goats from the day as a puppy when he climbed out of his pen in the barn to lie with them in the field. He has been their steadfast guardian ever since through all seasons and hundreds of goat kids. The goats miss him, as do we.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The new tent platform
is under construction.

More Goat Kids

Our goat does Lydia, Aurea and Tortilla and others have had their kids.